“Silang” is a versatile wrap garment that works with the anatomy and mechanisms of the sarong; a tubular fabric staple worn across various cultures in the Nusantara. Throughout history, it serves as a palette of solidarity and resilience. Being unrestricted to gender, Silang undertones universality across diverse identities, contexts and purposes.
Produced by AKSU in collaboration with DIVISI62.

DIVISI62 is a sound and visual arts label based in Jakarta, Indonesia founded in 2016. Since its inception, the label and its associated artists have published and presented their works in performance, exhibition, and recorded sound formats. The label’s work ethos questions identity, heritage and tradition – working with archive-based materials, instruments from multiple regions of Indonesia and varying methods of electroacoustic sound production. The visual counterparts of the label often involves digitally manipulated hand illustrations, collages and sound-based images. Regardless of its form of output, DIVISI62 aims to reach new heights in the continual construction of identity and to stretch possibilities across varying mediums.
/ Collection